First...there is nothing...
but a slow glowing dream...
We are all on a journey. If you know me from just a few years ago, you would find me a very differnt person today. I have done some considerable growth work in the last couple of years and I am hoping to share this experience with those who resonates with what you are about to read.
But wait! This must be the most boring website you have ever seen.
That's right! This website represents a journey. A journey of website coding. First...there is nothing. But my slow glowing dream... is to build a community, where we share our musical gifts. I believe music comes from the soul. It is my hope that, through music we connect at the soul level.
Life is a journey. We are travellers. Music is our vehicle. The web is our path.
As we travel along this complicated web of paths, we may travel together or apart, diverging or converging, in light or in darkness. When we merge at some point, hopes and dreams would come to life in ways you may never expect.
As we travel together, we make meaningful connections.
My intention with this website, aside from being a training ground for html coding learning curve, is to serve as a collage of the gifts that we all have. Yes, we all do have some sort of gifts. It's up to us to find them. I hope some day this website will blossom into a beautiful garden filled with life's miracles and treasures.
But First...there is nothing...
so let's start doing something...
Let's connect! and take the musical journey together!